The relationships, for the most part, drive this series (which I am not complaining about). I adore the way that Mafi handled the comparison between infatuation and love, and representing the idea to do what is best for yourself, even if someone who you care about (or cared about) disagrees, which i think is so important for young women to understand. Juliette is strong all on her own, she doesn't need Adam or Warner to protect her, and I wish that I had read a series like this when I was younger and a bit more impressionable (rather than say, Twilight, which isn't exactly empowering to women). But I digress, my point is that I love the relationships, but I also love that Juliette is strong without having to be in one.
I do have one complaint though, I would have loved a bit more world building, and for the ending to have been a little longer. I want to see the entire Reestablishment be brought down, not just one sector. I am happy with the ending of the series, but I want more, so so much more (this might just be caused by the fact that I don't want to series to be over).
Definitely a new favorite series, and one of the best YA series I've read in a while. I whole-heartedly recommend :)
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